

I love this day solely dedicated to love in all its forms…..romantic, friendship or familial. Many poets and writers have tried to define love to no avail. St. Paul resorts to defining love by telling us what it is not….envious, self-seeking, rude or jealous. The Beatles never attempted to explain love, but simply wrote, “All you need is love.”


Love is the only “thing” that will ever exist that is all powerful. It will never ever succumb. It informs every moment of our lives from the second we are born and are instantly, unconditionally loved by our parents. And while it is impossible to define, we know with absolute certainty when we feel it. Love makes us alive, makes the most reserved person do silly things, makes us givers, fighters and forgivers. Love ultimately brings us the greatest pain; yet still we love and seek to love relentlessly. I thought about love constantly when my husband was sick. I wondered if I could actively love someone who had passed. I know now our love is as real as it was when he was alive, but purer, and to my amazement, it has grown.

Viktor Frankl writes in his book Man’s Search for Meaning:

“Love goes very far beyond the physical person of the beloved. It finds its deepest meaning in his [or her] spiritual being, his [or her] inner self. Whether or not he [or she] is actually present, whether or not he [or she] is still alive at all, ceases somehow to be of importance.”

So today and every day, love fearlessly.

#rowforholycross 💜


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