
Fennel & Orange Salad

The sharing of a meal with family and friends is truly one of my greatest pleasures. What is it about conversation combined with good food and wine that binds us? I recall with fondness the many family gatherings on holidays and Sunday afternoons in my youth. These feasts began with cold antipasto following by soup, lasagna and finally some type of roast accompanied by broccoli raab and oven-roasted potatoes. Traditional Thanksgiving turkeys could not be stomached after all the courses that preceded it. For us, the main dish was not meant to be consumed on Thanksgiving, but later that evening or the next day as the protein in a sandwich. We remedied the terribly uncomfortable feeling of having eaten too much by taking long walks around the block between courses and devouring fennel after dinner as a platter of quartered fennel bulbs always preceded the dessert. Eager hands grabbed for the crispy treat the moment it hit the table. I questioned my mother as to why we always “had” to eat fennel after dinner. She told me it helps you to digest. So true! This crunchy vegetable is nature’s antacid. And while fennel is also delicious roasted, it must be consumed raw to reap its benefits as a digestif.

This simple concoction is a nod to my grandmother’s dish of sliced oranges and fennel dressed with olive oil and paprika. Fennel’s anise flavor pairs perfectly with citrus, and this treat, served right from the refrigerator, provides the ideal refreshment following a big meal, but can also be enjoyed as an afternoon snack or even with Sunday brunch. The fennel and orange flavors are robust, while the addition of bubbly Prosecco makes every bite dance in your mouth.  


Serves 4

5 large naval oranges 

1 fennel bulb

1/4 cup orange juice

1 cup Prosecco

Pinch of Kosher salt

Slice the peel and pith from the oranges and segment each section. Cut each segment in half. Five oranges should yield about 2 1/4 cups.

Remove the fronds from the fennel bulb, and set a few aside for garnish. Stand the bulb on its root and slice vertically creating very thin slices. (A mandolin can also be used.) Place the fennel and oranges in a bowl and add the orange juice, Prosecco and salt and mix. Refrigerate for at least an hour. Divide salad into four small bowls being sure to add the juice. Garnish with a fennel frond.

One Comment

  • Nurse Mandel

    I love 💕 your blog.. Samay just showed it to me. I will have to follow you thru Danny’s Facebook because I can’t do the Facebook thing
    Love you💟

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