
Fashion Forward

Every once in a while, someone takes your breath away. Twenty-three-year-old Maddi Niebanck took mine away when she published her first book, FASHION FWD How Today’s Culture Shapes Tomorrow’s Fashion, a unique look into the future of the fashion industry as the millennials become the country’s largest consumers. I have known Maddi and her family since 2003 as she attended the same local grade school as my boys. I have always admired the sublime Madeline Neibanck–so bright, so beautiful, a wonderful singer and writer with impeccable fashion sense. But I am more in awe of her now because just 18 months ago, Maddi suffered a terrible stroke from a brain AVM that ruptured just hours before she was to go into surgery to remove it. Because of her relentless determination and dedication to a rigorous physical therapy regimen, she has come farther in 18 months than anyone thought she could, and I know her outcome will be unprecedented. Maddi weaves her personal story into the sections of her book so brilliantly that often the reader longs to know more about her than the subject she so aptly writes about. I truly hope there is another book in the future that details her remarkable personal journey. We may have to wait for it, however, as this powerful, fearless young woman has just begun.

In the meantime…we have FASHION FWD

Treat Yourself

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